1st nanoGUNE PhD Workshop
nanoGUNE has hosted the 1st nanoGUNE PhD Workshop. This event has taken place to celebrate the 7th anniversary of the center´s opening data.

The workshop has consisted on 3 sessions. We have opened the event with an Academic session where PhD students of CIC nanoGUNE have given a talk about the current research lines being developed in their groups. There have been ten talks of 15 minutes, one per research group.
- Patricia Riego (Nano-magnetism)
- Basic overview of magnetic phenomena
- Iban Amenabar (Nano-optics)
- How our near field microscope works
- María Cascajo (Self-assembly)
- Research lines in self assembly group
- Leyre Barandiaran and Alvaro Alonso (Nano-biomechanics)
- From DNA to Proteins
- Edurne Sagasta (Nano-devices)
- Towards spin-current control
- Bentejui Medina (Electron microscopy)
- Electron Microscopy Group - proyects and collaborations
- Itxasne Azpitarte and Unai Carmona (Nano-materials)
- Fundamentals of Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) and Ferritin based nanomaterials for bioapplications
- Jon Zubeltzu (Theory)
- Atomic simulations of physical systems
- Eduard Carbonell (Nano-imaging)
- I didn´t have money for a REFLEX so I bought an STM
- Maica Morant (Nano-engineering)
- Nanoengineering for Biomedicine
The second session, Startups and Spin-offs session have been focused on the goals and challenges of several companies born in nanoGUNE´s and CFM´s environment. Amaia Zurutuza (Graphenea), Emilio Artacho (Simune), David Talavera (Ctech-nano), Raul Perez-Jimenez (Evolgene), Thales de Oliveira (Prospero) and Enrique Ortega (Bihur Crystal) havel participated in 15 minutes talks addressing the origin and perspectives of the companies and the outreach to their market. The objective has been to bring closer the entrepreneurial network of our surroundings.
Finally, we have concluded with a Colloquium where we have created an open discussion about science world and the relation between science and society nowadays. The podium speakers, members of nanoGUNE, have been Jose Maria Pitarke (Director of the center), Andreas Berger (Research Director), Reyes Calvo (Ikerbasque Research Fellow) and Emilio Artacho (Ikerbasque Research Professor). The scientific career, the publishing world and the impact of science on society, among other controversial topics, have been debated.