30 students joined the nanoGUNE Winter School 2020

The winter school was held in San Sebastian from 12 to 14 February.


The nanoGUNE Winter School 2020 gathered together a group of 30 national and international undergraduate and master students in physics, chemistry, biology and engineering. Around 150 candidates applied to attend the school, and the selected students- coming from Spain, Germany, Turkey, UK, Italy and other countries- were invited to join the school with all costs covered by nanoGUNE.

During 3 days, the students had the chance to attend academic lectures, transversal skill training sessions, and hands-on laboratory practices. Most of the students participating in the school were highly motivated undergraduate and graduate students who are considering the possibility of continuing their education with a doctorate in a field such as physics, chemistry, biology or engineering. The idea behind this experience is to introduce them to the life in real research laboratory, helping them to take a decision about their future.

Another important part of the school, is to facilitate them the contact with the researches in nanoGUNE´s research groups. With the purpose, special events like a poster session and a dinner in a cider house were also organized.

NanoGUNE plants to organize a new edition of the Winter School in 2011, and the call will open around October 2020.