Nanoremedi project workshop

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CIC nanoGUNE will host the first workshop of the recently launched NanoReMedi EU funded project, whose mission is to define a joint doctorate educational training model in Functional Nano-Scaffolds for Regenerative Medicine where Academia and Industry join their forces to create a highly innovative research network for training a new generation of researchers who will enter the area of nanoscience from adjacent disciplines (such as chemistry, material sciences and bioinformatics), establish a solid framework for long-term research cooperation between a pool of leading Universities and Enterprises, and build a solid foundation for long-term European excellence in medical nanotechnology. 


20th April 2023 Workshop: project presentation and seminars

Most session will be for project partners, but the following two seminars are open to all our community: 

21st April 2023 Training School for project ESRs: Working in a team Module 1 “Becoming a research team”

For more information about the project and open ESR positions, visit the NanoReMedi project website


Alex Bittner
