nanoGUNE Winter School 2022

Winter School application open banner
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IMAGE credits: Photo by Jonathan Knepper on Unsplash



The nanoGUNE cooperative research center holds the third edition of its Winter School, where a selected international group of undergraduate students will be trained into the most innovative aspects of nanoscience research. The school will include a combination of academic lectures, soft skills training sessions, and hands-on lab practices.

The nanoGUNE Winter School 2022 will be held in the nanoGUNE facilities in San Sebastian (Spain), from Wednesday 2 to Friday 4 February 2022.


Application and Key Dates

The application period is open until 30 November 2021.The results of the selection process will be communicated no later than 20 December to all applicants.  

To apply to the Winter School, please complete the application form at the bottom of this page.


Target students

The Winter School is targeted to last years undergraduate students that are considering the possibility of pursuing their training with a Master and PhD degree. 

  • Fields: physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering

The maximum number of participants will be limited to 20 students. 


Grants: what is included?

NanoGUNE will offer grants to cover all the main expenses of the winter school to all the selected students: 

  • Grants to cover travel expenses
  • Lunch and coffee-breaks
  • Accommodation in shared rooms will be arranged



The program will combine scientific lectures, transversal sessions, and hands-on lab practices in small groups, as well as social activities. The specific session and agenda will be announced later on, but the sessions will cover the following or similar topics:


  • Introduction to nanoscience
  • Time management
  • Working in Science / Career path in Science
  • Scientific Publications and the Web of Science


  • Nanoelectronics
  • Fundamentals of nanoscience and quantum effects in the nanoscale
  • Interface between biology - nanoscience - nanotechnology


  • Cleanroom nanofabrication
  • Organic electronics
  • Electrospinning of nanofibers
  • Deposition of thin films and characterization
  • Low-temperature STM
  • Computer simulations
  • Electron Microscopy 


  • Winter School Dinner


Dissemination material


COVID-19 safety measures

In order to guarantee the safety of the participants in the Winter School, it will be necessary to have a COVID-19 vaccination certificate to attend the event. 


Organizing committee

Jose Ignacio Pascual, Scientific coordinator

Uxue Agirrezabala  & Itziar Otegui, technical coordinators






