nanoGUNE Workshop 2022 focused on Ethics in Research
The nanoGUNE Workshop 2022, organized by the predoctoral researchers of nanoGUNE to celebrate the 13th anniversary of the Basque Nanoscience Cooperative Research Center, has been held on January 31.

The topic selected for this year's seminar session has been Ethics in Science, and included six talks covering different aspects, from the ethical responsibilities of researchers in biological investigation to the good scientific conduct, or social and political implications of scientific progress. The speakers have been Tamalika Banerjee, from the University of Groningen, about 'Ethics in Scientific Research'; Andoni Ibarra (University of the Basque Country UPV-EHU & Käte Hamburger Kolleg Cultures of Research, RWTH Aachen University) about 'Open and socially responsible science and technology for sustainable research'; Pedro Miguel Echenique (Donostia International Physics Center - DIPC) about 'Small points about ethics in science'; Rafael Yuste (Professor of Biological Sciences & Ikerbasque Research Professor, Columbia University and DIPC) about 'NeuroRights: Human Rights Guidelines for Neurotechnology'; Leire Escajedo (University of the Basque Country UPV-EHU) about 'Fundamental freedom of bioscientific research and institutionalization of research ethics: reflection is needed', and Eugenia Stamboliev (Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Vienna) about 'AI Ethics and Politicisation of Climate Science'.
The PhD Committee has also organized a scientific photo contest named "nano in beauty". All nanoGUNE members were invited to vote for their favourite photos. The winner of the 2022 edition has been Oksana Yurkevich with this beautiful "nano veil". Congratulations!