
  • 1st nanoGUNE PhD Workshop

    nanoGUNE has hosted the 1st nanoGUNE PhD Workshop. This event has taken place to celebrate the 7th anniversary of the center´s opening data.

  • La nanociencia en cómic

    Con el proyecto nanoKOMIK, los centros de investigación CIC nanoGUNE y el Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), especializados en nanociencia y ciencia de materiales, proponen la creación, elaboración y difusión del primer cómic participativo de nanoficción en 2016.

  • A new magnetoresistance effect occurring in materials with strong spin-orbit coupling

    Researchers of the Nanodevices group, in collaboration with groups from the CFM and DIPC, both institutions also located in Donostia-San Sebastián, have discovered a new magnetoresistance effect occurring in materials with strong spin-orbit coupling. This new effect has been recently reported in the prestigious journal Physical Review Letters and featured as an Editor’s Suggestion.

  • Nuevas herramientas de diagnóstico biomédico basadas en nanoingeniería

    El Grupo de Nanoingeniería de nanoGUNE, liderado por el investigador Ikerbasque Dr. Andreas Seifert, gira en torno a la investigación que combina tanto nanociencia fundamental como ingeniería aplicada, en el área de los microsistemas biomédicos, en particular. El objetivo del grupo es construir puentes entre las ciencias físicas y las aplicaciones industriales y clínicas, introduciendo nanotecnología con la finalidad de aportar valor añadido a innovadores microsistemas médicos y dispositivos mesoscópicos.

  • NbSe2, a true 2D superconductor

    An international team led by Miguel M. Ugeda (CIC nanoGUNE) and Michael F. Crommie (UC. Berkeley (USA)) has demonstrated the coexistence of superconductivity and charge density wave (CDW) order in a single layer of NbSe2, a model transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) metal. The demonstration that a single layer of NbSe2 is a true 2D superconductor is a breakthrough in the field of 2D materials. Very few 2D superconductors exist in nature, and single-layer NbSe2 is the first among them that remains a superconductor in its isolated, 2D form without the need of a special substrate. Furthermore, CDW order - spatial modulation of both the electron density and the atomic lattice (see figure below) – has been revealed to be a genuine 2D electronic phenomenon in NbSe2. This work has been recently reported in Nature Physics.

  • Magneto-optics on the edge

    In an article published and featured as an Editors’ suggestion in Physical Review Letters last week (PRL 115, 187403 (2015)), researchers from the Nanomagnetism group at nanoGUNE in collaboration with a team from the University of Cantabria and the University of Hamburg have reported on a massive increase of magneto-optical effects near the edges of nano-scale disks, where enhancements of over 1000% can be produced.

  • Interview with Dr. Berger published on JPhys+

    An interview with Dr. Andreas Berger, nanoGUNE´s research director, has been published on JPhys+, the physics blog from IOP Publishing in the UK. The interview is part of a series of interviews that JPhys+ has conducted during this year with editors of the Journal of Physics Series, and revolves around the research work done by the editors themselves as well as science in general.

  • nanoGUNE lanza su quinta spin-off

    Prospero Biosciences desarrollará una tecnología innovadora capaz de abrir un nuevo campo de aplicaciones dentro de la industria de la espectrometría de masas. Posibilitará avances significativos en la investigación de marcadores biológicos, entre otros.

  • nanoGUNE and its spin-offs will be represented at the Nanomercosur event

    The 5th edition of Nanomercosur is taking place from 6 to 8 October in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and nanoGUNE and its spin-off companies will be represented in the Brokerage event and the nanoBasque space of the exhibition area. 

  • Nicolò Maccaferri, Premio Piero Brovetto 2015

    El Premio Piero Brovetto 2015 ha sido otorgado al investigador pre-doctoral de nanoGUNE Nicolò Maccaferri por “sus contribuciones a los campos del nanomagnetismo y la nanoóptica, en particular por el estudio de las propiedades magnetoplasmónicas de las nanoestructuras magnéticas resonantes”.



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+34 943574024

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