
  • CIC nanoGUNE obtiene un proyecto para investigar la esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (ELA)

    La Fundación Española para el Fomento de la Investigación de la Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrófica (FUNDELA) concede un proyecto para investigación sobre esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (ELA) a CIC nanoGUNE, en colaboración con el Laboratorio de Investigación en ELA del Hospital 12 de Octubre - “i+12” y el Servicio de Genética del Hospital Ramón y Cajal-IRYCIS pertenecientes al Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Raras (CIBERER).

  • El gigante brasileño JBS invierte 36 millones en el productor vasco de carne cultivada Biotech Foods

    BioTech Foods es una start-up fundada en 2017 con la misión de producir y comercializar carne cultivada. Se puso en marcha en nanoGUNE bajo la dirección científica de la Dra. Mercedes Vila, antigua directora científica de la start-up Ctech-nano, también en nanoGUNE.

  • Emilio Artacho APS Fellowship in 2021

    Emilio Artacho, leader of the Theory Group of nanoGUNE, has recently been named APS Fellow by the American Physical Society (APS) for developing the linear scaling SIESTA method and for pioneering work on developing and applying methods to study energy dissipation of swift ions in solids.

  • Emakumeak Zientzian sigue sumando

    Diecisiete entidades vascas unen fuerzas en torno al proyecto Emakumeak Zientzian a través de la firma de un nuevo acuerdo de colaboración, ratificando así su compromiso con los objetivos de la iniciativa: hacer visible la actividad de las mujeres en ciencia, romper con los roles típicamente masculinos atribuidos a las actividades científico-técnicas, y fomentar la elección de carreras científicas entre niñas y adolescentes. Con estos objetivos en mente, las entidades suman fuerzas para la organización de un programa de actividades conjunto con motivo del Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia, que se celebra cada año el 11 de febrero.

  • Overriding Universality via nano-scale Materials Design

    In a recent article published in Physical Review Letters (Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 147201 (2021)), researchers from the Nanomagnetism group at nanoGUNE in collaboration with scientists from the US and Colombia have demonstrated that it is possible to design thermodynamic critical exponents a la carte and override the universality of phase transition behavior, which was previously understood to be only dependent on the dimensionality of sample and order parameter.


  • Researchers develop an innovative strategy to focus infrared light into the nanoscale

    An international team of researchers, including members of nanoGUNE's Nanooptics group, publish in “Science Advances” the grounds for the realization of nanodevices that, based on the manipulation of light at the nanoscale, promise the development of extraordinarily sensitive biosensors. The researchers also designed gold nanoantennas that allow obtaining extremely small (600.000 times smaller than the size of a grain of sugar) and bright focal spots. This achievement opens new avenues for the detection and control of single molecules, such as glucose, and atmospheric contaminants.

  • Graphene nanoribbons for emerging quantum technologies

    A multidisciplinary group of research teams, working in the framework of FET OPEN Project SPRING (, report that certain stripes of graphene called graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) acquire the anomalous topological state of matter when narrowed down to just a few nanometers in width. The research has been recently published in Nature Communications. 

  • Review: Interface nano-optics with van der Waals polaritons

    An international team, including the leader of the Nanooptics group at nanoGUNE, Rainer Hillenbrand, discusses in ‘Nature’  the state-of-the-art and opportunities for controlling the propagation of nanolight (in form of polaritons) in van der Waals materials with the help of classical refractive optics concepts, meta-optics and moire engineering.

  • Review: Nanoscale terahertz scanning probe microscopy

    Four international experts, including the leader of the Nanooptics group at nanoGUNE Rainer Hillenbrand, analyze in ‘Nature Photonics’ the terahertz scanning probe microscopy techniques that achieve spatial resolution on the scale of micrometres to ångströms, with particular emphasis on their overarching approaches and underlying probing mechanisms, and they forecast the next steps in the field.

  • Understanding nanolight refraction on highly anisotropic materials

    An international team of researchers, including members of nanoGUNE's Nanooptics group, unveils in ‘Nature Communications’ fundamental aspects of nanolight refraction in highly anisotropic media. The researchers also report the design of a new planar nanolens 1000 times smaller than the thickness of a human hair, which enables control of nanolight propagation, laying the groundwork for the development of photonic nanotechnologies with exciting possibilities.



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+34 943574024

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