2017 Magnetism Roadmap

With the co-authorship of nanoGUNE’s Nanomagnetism group leaders Dr. Andreas Berger and Dr. Paolo Vavassori, the Journal of Physics D – Applied Physics just published the 2017 Magnetism Roadmap. As a whole, the 2017 Magnetism Roadmap, which is an Open Access article, is intended to act as a reference point and guideline for emerging research directions in modern magnetism.

The article consists of 14 sections, each written by an expert in the field and addressing a specific subject on two pages. Contributing authors include: D. Sander, S. O. Valenzuela, D. Makarov, C. H. Marrows, E. E. Fullerton, P. Fischer, J. McCord, P. Vavassori, S. Mangin, P. Pirro, B. Hillebrands, A. D. Kent, T. Jungwirth, O. Gutfleisch, C. G. Kim and A. Berger.

Building upon the success and relevance of an earlier 2014 Magnetism Roadmap, this 2017 Magnetism Roadmap edition follows a similar general vision, even if its focus is naturally shifted, and a different group of experts and, thus, viewpoints are being collected and presented. More importantly, key developments have changed the research landscape in very relevant ways since 2014, so that a novel view onto some of the most crucial developments is warranted, and thus, this 2017 Magnetism Roadmap article is a timely endeavor and needed resource.

The change in research landscape is hereby not exclusively scientific, but also reflects the magnetism related industrial application portfolio. Specifically, Hard Disk Drive technology, which still dominates digital storage and will continue to do so for many years, if not decades, has now limited its footprint in the scientific and research community, whereas significantly growing interest in magnetism and magnetic materials in relation to energy applications is noticeable, and other technological fields are emerging as well. Also, more and more work is occurring in which complex topologies of magnetically ordered states are being explored, hereby aiming at a technological utilization of the very theoretical concepts that were recognized by the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics.
