CIC nanoGUNE will be participating in the Urbanzientzia event

NanoGUNE is set to participate in the Urbanzientzia event. The event organised by TEKNAHI within the framework of OLATU TALKA, which is part of the DSS2016 (Donostia-San Sebastian Capital of Culture) programme, is aiming to take science into the street.


In collaboration with the DIPC (Donostia International Physics Center) we will be performing various experiments for youngsters and adults. The aim is to provide an opportunity to enjoy nanoscience and materials science and spread them among the general public in an attractive, comprehensible way. We will also be putting on an exhibition of the most outstanding works from among the over one hundred submitted in the nanoKOMIK challenge.

Urbanzientzia will take place throughout the day on 21 May on Iztueta street between the suburbs of Gros and Egia. It is about bringing science closer to the general public and at the same time making the work being done at the research centres around us visible. Monologues, talks, workshops and laboratories for youngsters and adults, exhibitions, etc., and other activities will be taking place throughout the day. NanoGUNE will also be open all day.