3rd inanoGUNE Workshop

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The 3rd inanoGUNE Workshop has been organized at nanoGUNE on May 25, 2010. This workshop, organized within the framework of the Etortek inanoGUNE Project funded by the Department of Industry of the Basque Government, intends to provide opportunities for interaction and exchange of ideas amongst the different groups working on nanoscience and nanotechnologies in the Basque Country, coming both from the University and from the Technological Centers, in order to foster collaborative research initiatives.

This 3rd workshop has been oriented to companies, presenting research results closer to application, and inviting companies to present their interests and needs. In this sense, the program included two different kinds of contributions:

  • inanoGUNE partners exposed projects, ideas, or best practices that could be closer to products or related with present or future applications.
  • Companies exposed their interests and needs.

The 3rd inanoGUNE Workshop has included 20 oral contributions, organized in 3 different sessions, and 83 participants, coming from 18 different research groups and 9 companies, attended the workshop.

Download the leaflet with the program
