4th inanoGUNE Workshop

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The 4th inanoGUNE Workshop has been organized at nanoGUNE on 28-29 November 2010. This workshop series, organized within the framework of the Etortek inanoGUNE Project funded by the Department of Industry of the Basque Government, intends to provide opportunities for interaction and exchange of ideas amongst the different groups working on nanoscience and nanotechnologies in the Basque Country, coming both from the University and from the Technological Centers, in order to foster collaborative research initiatives.

This 4th workshop gave the opportunity to all the partners to summarize the main results of the work done during the last two years of the project. Biodonostia Institute was invited to participate and presented their current interests. The workshop also included a complementary session entitled “Chasing the investor”, recommendations on how to get private funding for entrepreneur projects. This session was given by Iñaki Azpiazu from HUB Group and 26 researchers attended the session.

The 4th inanoGUNE Workshop has included 20 oral contributions, organized in 4 different sessions, and 55 participants, coming from 19 different research groups.
