ETPn Annual Meeting

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The European Technology Platform on Nanomedicin organised its 2014 Annual Event & General Assembly in San Sebastian, Spain. The event took place on 15th and 16th October 2014, kindly co-organised by the nanoBasque agency and hosted by CIC NanoGUNE, the Spanish nanoscience cooperative research centre.

This year’s annual event aimed at providing in-depth details on the practical implementation of the ETPNrecommendations for a strong translational nanomedicine sector in Europe as well as unveiling future priorities for nanomedical researches and innovations till 2020.

As Nanomedicine is indeed entering a concrete implementation phase for the Translation Hub concept developed by the ETP Nanomedicine, notably through the latest calls in Horizon 2020, and is experiencing an increased interest from the research and industrial communities, from national authorities in Europe but also outside Europe, this event has been the opportunity to consolidate the ETPN efforts to shaping a functioning nanomedical sector in Europe for the benefit of patient.

