First NanoBioMedicine Seminar

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Coorganized by Inbiomed Foundation and CIC nanoGUNE, on Friday 15 April 2011 the first NanoBioMedicine (NBM) Seminar will be organized at nanoGUNE’s auditorium under the title “Applications of nanotechnologies in neorodegenerative disorders. Where are we?”


  • 09:00-09:15 Diagnostic and therapeutic challenges in neurodegenerative diseases, Dr. G. Linazasoro (Inbiomed Foundation).
  • 09:15-10:00 Nanotechnological approaches to neurodegenerative disorders, Prof. G. Silva (U. California,USA).
  • 10:00-10:45 In situ delivery of trophic factors and molecules in the human brain by convection technologies, Prof. M. Fiandaca (U. California, USA).
  • 10:45-11:05 General discussion
  • 11:05-11:15 Conclusions. The future: Neuronano, a fantastic join venture, Prof. J. M. Pitarke (CIC nanoGUNE).

More info and registration: Lierni Serrano (


CIC nanoGUNE Auditorium
Tolosa Hiribidea, 76
Donostia – San Sebastian
Number of participants: 60
