Graphene Week 2018 - Abstract submission deadline

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Graphene Week 2018 - Submit your Abstract by Sunday

It's time to send in your contribution to the graphene event of the year. Graphene Week 2018 will be organised in San Sebastian, Spain, 10-14 September by the Graphene Flagship and local host partner CIC nanoGUNE. Register now for early bird discounts and make sure to book your accommodation in San Sebastian at special rates.

The conference will be held at the Kursaal Congress Centre designed by the prestigious architect Rafael Moneo (lit in green in the image). An ambitious programme including invited talks and keynote speakers (see confirmed list in the link below), as well as a growing industrial exhibition, is being designed with the objective of bringing together the most outstanding advances that scientists and companies are achieving in the fields of graphene and 2D materials.

Submit your abstract!

Don't miss the opportunity to take an active part in this fantastic event! Submit your abstract no later than 25 February to get selected for oral or poster presentation.


The Annual Gathering of the Graphene Flagship

Graphene Week is a main event of the Future & Emerging Technologies ("FET") Flagship initiative of the European Commission, a new partnering model for long-term European collaborative research in the context of the European Research Area (ERA).

Originating from 2006, Graphene Week is the annual gathering for international leading experts on graphene and two-dimensional materials, creating Europe’s most influential conference. Organised by the Graphene Flagship, the conference is set to present the latest scientific results, outstanding networking activities, and innovative exhibition opportunities.

Since the first Graphene Week, the conference has been staged in various location across Europe, and has continued to grow with every edition.

