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On March 2 2009, the cooperative centers microGUNE, biomaGUNE and nanoGUNE held a first workshop in which researchers from the three centers presented to each other their research lines and technology platforms. The workshop followed this program:

BiomaGUNE-microGUNE-nanoGUNE Workshop, March 2, 2009 Welcome and introduction

  • 08.55: Jose M. Pitarke 

Session 1 (biomaGUNE). Chair: Jose M. Pitarke

  • 09.00: Manuel Martin-Lomas 
    Research overview
  • 09.05: Marco Moller and Vanessa Gomez
    Technological platforms
  • 09.20: Soledad Penades, Niels C. Reichardt, Valery Pavlov 
    Biofunctional biomaterials
  • 09.50: Discussion
  • 10.00: Jose L. Toca-Herrera, Sergio Moya, Ilya Reviakine, Ralf Richter
  • 10.30: Discussion
  • 10.40: Jordi Llop, Torsten Reese 
    Molecular imaging
  • 10.55: Discussion
  • 11.00: Coffee

Session 2 (microGUNE). Chair: M. Martin-Lomas

  • 11.30: Carlos Luri 
    Research overview
  • 11.35: Enrique Castano 
    Technological platforms
  • 11.50: Sergio Arana 
    Electrochemical and magnetic detection of molecular markers and bio/molecular links of biological species
  • 11.05: Discussion
  • 12.10: Jesus Ruano 
    Fluid handling polymer components
  • 12.25: Discussion
  • 12.40: Gemma Garcia Nanostructured materials for gas detection
  • 12.45: Discussion
  • 12.50: Roberto Pacios 
    Organic micro optoelectronics
  • 12.05: Discussion
  • 13.10: Santos Merino 
    Micro/nanostructuring of metals and polymers
  • 13.25: Discussion
  • 13.30: Lunch

Session 3 (nanoGUNE). Chair: Carlos Luri

  • 14.30: Andreas Berger 
    Research overview and technological platforms
  • 14.50: Andreas Berger, Paolo Vavassori 
  • 15.05: Discussion 
  • 15.10: Rainer Hillenbrand 
  • 15.25: Discussion
  • 15.30: Alexander Bittner 
  • 15.45: Discussion
  • 15.50: Igor Nabiev 
  • 16.05: Discussion
  • 16.10: Luis Hueso 
  • 16.25: Discussion

Session 4 (Research and infrastructure of common interest). Chair: Andreas Berger

  • 16.30: Manuel Martin-Lomas, Carlos Luri, Jose M. Pitarke 
    Panel session
  • 17.00: Closing
