Nanomaterials for Energy and Biotechnology

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The “Nanomaterials for Energy and Biotechnology” workshop aims to be a multidisciplinary event that reviews important research activities in the field of nanomaterials for applications related to energy and biotechnology. The workshop is composed of four complementary sessions: Nanomaterials for Energy, Nanomaterials for Biotechnology, Devices in Nanobiotechnology and Energy, and Characterization of Nanomaterials.

The “Nanomaterials for Energy and Biotechnology” workshop represents an initiative of the Israel Institute of Technology ‘Technion’ in Haifa, the Barcelona Nano Cluster Bellaterra in Barcelona, and the newly created Nanoscience Cooperative Research Center nanoGUNE Consolider in San Sebastian. We hope that this workshop will offer us a unique oportunity to explore common interests and to establish fruitful collaborations.

Jose M. Pitarke

Director of nanoGUNE


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