Spin Challenges 2011

From to

CIC nanoGUNE is organizing the workshop Spin-Challenges 2011, which aims to be a forum of discussion about future trends in the fields of spintronics and nanomagnetism. The workshop will consist of short presentations by invited speakers followed by discussions open to all the participants.

The workshop will take place on April 15 at CIC nanoGUNE with the participation of international experts in the field (see program attached).

Researchers interested in the field are invited to attend and participate in the discussions. Attendance is limited and will be arranged on a first-come first-served basis. For registration, please contact Dr. Luis Hueso atl.hueso@nanogune.eu before Wednesday 13th April.


09:00-11:00 Welcome, introduction to Workshop and nanoGUNE, Facility tour (non-locals only for facility tour)

11:00-11:30 Coffee break

11:30-13:30 Presentation/Discussion – part A (Chair: P. Vavassori)

  • Marrows (Leeds) 
    “Single spin spintronics”
  • Hueso (nanoGUNE)
    “Single spin spintronics – another perspective”
  • Bergeret (CFM-UPV)
    “Polarized supercurrents in superconductor-ferromagnet nanostructures”
  • Casanova (nanoGUNE)
    “Spin Caloritronics”

13:30-15:00 Buffet lunch

15:00-17:00 Presentation/Discussion – part B (Chair: L. Hueso)

  • Sander (Halle)
    “Spin-STM: Challenges for its application to “real world” nanostructures”
  • de Teresa (Zaragoza)
    “Techniques for detection of magnetic entities with the highest spatial and time resolution”
  • Vavassori (nanoGUNE) 
    “Tuning of magnetization reversal in nano-sized magnets: beyond geometry and materials properties engineering.”
  • Oepen (Hamburg) 
    “Interfaces: The Challenge in Nanosized Systems”
  • Berger (nanoGUNE) 
    “nano-scale fabrication challenges: fundamental vs. application perspectives” 

Number of participants: 45
