Water Sustainability Workshop (MARINA Project)

From to

At the end of the seventies, different municipalities along the coast and the basins of the rivers of Gipuzkoa (the surroundings of the Bay of Pasajes, the Oria and Deba rivers, etc.) grouped a large number of industries together with a large agglomeration of people. Both the industries and the households were designed, built and overcrowded without considering that all the spill that ended up in the water turned it into a sewer without enough capacity to evacuate the waste. What could a third industrialisation bring? Would we make the same mistakes of the past or did we learn about them? What could be done to minimize water contamination? What could we ask society to do in order to minimize the environmental impact of the industry without compromising its development? The solution to the contamination problem would be to contaminate as less water as possible. Meanwhile, the wastewater treatment will become critical to ensure the access to clean water and the preservation of our health and the environment. 

Bearing the above in mind, in our workshop we want to answer the question: What actions are needed to keep minimising the contamination of water? The methodology that we are going to applied is “Structure Democratic Dialogue Process”.

