Workshop on academic publishing

From to

In this half-day workshop, Dr. Luke Fleet, senior editor of Nature Physics, will give a general introduction to academic publishing, discuss the different nature journals (what they do and what they look for) and go through all of the editorial processes — general writing advance, preprints, embargo policies, submission, cover letter, editor screening, peer review, decisions, resubmissions, appeals, transfers, production. Whilst going through these he will do a number of exercises around things like cover letters and journal selection, giving the researchers a good idea of what it is like to be an editor — how they select and handle papers. There would be a particular focus on structuring and writing abstracts for journals with broad readerships, as this is often what people find most helpful. He will end by discussing things data and paper sharing, as well as a little bit of career advice.

The target audience of this workshop are PhD students and young postdocs, although more experienced researchers are also welcomed.

Registration was required to attend this workshop (deadline 16 June).


Felix Casanova
