Global Graphene Call, business ideas relating to graphene

CIC nanoGUNE —the Basque nanoscience research centre—, BerriUP —a startup accelerator in Donostia— and Graphenea —nanoGUNE’s first startup devoted to the production and marketing of graphene— have signed a collaboration agreement to drive forward proposals relating to research into graphene. So for the first time they are launching the Global Graphene Call designed to develop business ideas linked to graphene.

Global Graphene Call, business ideas relating to graphene

 “There is a great deal of knowledge about graphene in our area, largely thanks to nanoGUNE and Graphenea. We have succeeded in building an ecosystem around this material that has put the Basque Country among world leaders in this field. And with this new initiative relating to graphene we are seeking to attract fresh innovative initiatives —corporate projects or product developments— that will continue to enrich the ecosystem we have built up around graphene in the Basque Country” said Jose María Pitarke, nanoGUNE’s managing director.

Graphenea’s CEO Jesús de la Fuente is looking forward to helping entrepreneurs who want to develop applications using graphene. “We can provide our experience in graphene synthesis and the marketing of advanced materials. Launching a graphene-based device or technology is a challenge that has huge ground-breaking potential but which takes a long time in terms of development and investment. So this call is a great opportunity for an individual or team that is keen to turn an application based on these materials into reality,” he added.

This is the first time that nanoGUNE and Graphenea are joining forces with BerriUp to organise this new call. “We think it is a way of helping to bring new business models, projects or startups to our area because as an accelerator we believe that it is good for the sector,” stressed Patricia Casado, BerriUp’s director.

The three organisations agree that they have much to offer to initiatives of this type: the acceleration methodology offered by BerriUP, the range of graphene products offered by Graphenea, and the cutting-edge infrastructure and equipment that nanoGUNE has at its disposal. “We believe that this combination has all the ingredients for driving forward and bringing new projects to our area,” they concluded.

The participants will need to submit legitimate, in-house projects, and to participate, the project will need to be registered in its entirety using the dedicated application form. 26 April, 2020 is the deadline for submitting projects.

The shortlisted applicants will be able to take advantage of a programme of customised acceleration at the BerriUp headquarters between June and August 2020, avail themselves of Graphenea material and make use of nanoGUNE’s scientific equipment.