Maider Rekondo-Salsamendi receives the Youth Entrepreneurship Scholarship

The researcher in CIC nanoGUNE’s Self-Assembly Group Maider Rekondo-Salsamendi has received the Youth Entrepreneurship Scholarship for the project entitled Zelulosa zuntzak elektrospinning bidez (Electrospun Cellulose Fibers).

Maider Rekondo Salsamendi

The nanoGUNE researcher conducts research on the technology of electrospinning, and thanks to this scholarship she is intending to develop a new technology in conjunction with the Novaspider 3D printing equipment.

The "Youth Entrepreneurship" program is geared towards supporting a maximum of 25 business ideas or initiatives. The aim is to activate an entrepreneurial culture among the students receiving the scholarship by offering funding for business initiatives that may emerge in the university sphere.

The projects selected receive a grant of 3,600 euros. In addition, the UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country will be making available to them a network of mentors to provide them with professional consulting services while the project is being developed and will be running a specific course on entrepreneurship.