Nano-Bio integration to improve the quality of eyesight
nanoGUNE contributes with its nanotechnology expertise to the CENIT project ‘Customatized Eye Care (CeyeC)’. Granted by the Spanish Government, nanoGUNE has been collaborating since January 2010 with biocompanies in the development of new diagnostic tools for the pathologies of the eye surface, as an example of nanothecnology interdisciplinarity.

The objective of the project is to improve the patient’s quality of eyesight, by covering three thematic areas: Implants/Lenses, Diagnosis, and Therapy.
Under the leadership of Vissum Corporation, the consortium is made up of 12 medical, pharma, and biotech companies representing the entire value chain in Ophthalmology, supported by 20 Research and Technology Centres (among them CIC nanoGUNE, CIC bioGUNE, and Inasmet-Tecnalia) and 14 subcontracted companies.