Cryogenic Xenon Plasma Focused Ion Beam and Scanning Electron Microscopy (Cryo-pFIB/SEM)
What we can offer with this system:
- High throughput, large area FIB processing up to 1 mm
- High-resolution SEM imaging
- Focused Ion Beam and Focused electron beam induced deposition (EBID, IBID) of W, Pt
- Surface patterning by FIB Complex structures fabrication (including 3D structure)
- Gallium-free Sample preparation for transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
- 3D characterization of the internal structure with FIB Nano tomography
- Imaging large areas up to cm2 with nanometer resolution
- Chemical analysis/mapping with energy-dispersive X-ray detection (EDX)
- Chemical analysis/mapping with secondary ions mass-detection (ToF-SIMS)
- Structure of crystalline materials - electrons backscattered diffraction (EBSD)
- Cryogenic conditions: cooling the sample down to liquid nitrogen temperature (Cryo FIB/SEM)
Etching or deposition of different structures:
High-resolution nanopatterns, direct fabrication of photonic crystals, micro/nanopillars arrays, fabrication of modification/tuning of AFM cantilevers, sharp probes for SNOM, diffractive optical elements, micro/nano labelling, conductive bridges between contacts… Micro and nanostructures and devices on different substrates (glass, silicon, CaF2)
Interesting for:
Material science, microelectronics and semiconductors, automotive, laboratory test facilities, microscopy laboratories, machine tool manufacturers, iron and steel industry, energy storage and solar energy materials industry, objects of cultural heritage examination, energy and petrochemical companies, life sciences, cell biology, ecology, geology…