NanoGUNE installs a new High-Performance Computing Cluster

The new facility, with a processing power of 6220.8 GFLOPS and 1800 GB RAM, will be devoted mainly to nanosystems simulations performed by the newly created Theory Group at nanoGUNE led by Emilio Artacho.

The High-Performance Computing Cluster will be hosted at the Computing Laboratory of the University of the Basque Country, which has a long-term experience on the management of this kind of equipment, and will allow establishing synergies with other computing infrastructures and research groups at the University.

Bull Company has been the selected provider for the equipment, and it is expected to be fully functional in October 2011. The development of this world-class computing facility has been possible thanks to the support given by Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia (the Regional Council of Gipuzkoa).
