2015 summer internship students are here!

Summer is almost here and so they are our summer internship students. This year 10 science degree students will join nanoGUNE's Summer Internship Program and will spend two months working at the research center in the framework of a specific research project.


The students, coming from the Science and Technology and the Chemistry faculties of the University of the Basque Country and from Tecnun (University of Navarra), have attended the welcome event organized today, 17th June 2015, at nanoGUNE. They have been welcomed by nanoGUNE's general director Jose M. Pitarke, who has presented the nanoscience research center and its research groups to all the students. After the talk, the interns and their supervisors have enjoyed a coffee break where they had time to meet the rest of students.

These are the summer interns of 2015 and the research projects they will carry out:

  • Unai Aseguinolaza - Science and Technology Faculty, UPV-EHU - Theory for graphene nanooptics
  • Sara Arietaleaniz - TECNUN, University of Navarra - Femtoampere force microscopy
  • Anne Aguirre - Chemistry Faculty, UPV-EHU - Mechanopharmacology: A new horizon in modern medicine
  • Asier Alvarez - Science and Technology Faculty, UPV-EHU - Design and study of non-collinear magnets for spintronic applications
  • Orhi Esarte - Chemistry Faculty, UPV-EHU - Light-induced reactivity of bio-inorganic nanoparticles
  • Mikel Alvarez - Science and Technology Faculty, UPV-EHU - Optoelectronics with two-dimensional materials
  • Leire Azaceta - Science and Technology Faculty, UPV-EHU -Atomic lattice control of Magnetism
  • Beñat Alberdi - Science and Technology Faculty, UPV-EHU - Optical and magneto-optical states manipulation using nanostructured magnetic materials
  • Leire Urreta - Chemistry Faculty , UPV-EHU - Tuning kondo effect by molecular deposition
  • Adiran Garaizar - Science and Technology Faculty, UPV-EHU - Optimisation of First-principles calculations


This students have been selected among a large number of students willing to participate in the Summer Internship Program. The call to apply for this internships is made public on nanoGUNE's website every year in January/February. Eligible candidates must be registered as bachelor students at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) or at other European Universities. In any case a collaboration agreement will have to be signed between the student's university and nanoGUNE.