Matchmaking Basque Health Cluster BRTA


The Basque Health Cluster in collaboration with BRTA (Basque Research & Technology Alliance), is going to organize the second “Matchmaking BHC-BRTA” at CIC nanoGUNE. The objective of this day will be to create a meeting point between companies in the health and biosciences sectors in the Basque Country, with the different technology and cooperative research centers that make up the BRTA.

The principal objectives of the BHC with this event, is to act as a link between the different actors, encourage them to get to know each other, facilitate possible sinergies between them and evaluate the different existing opportunities in calls for the sector.

*The inscription to this event for people or entities not associated to the Basque Health Cluster, will require the payment of an amount and the assistance will be subject to venue capacity. Therefore, the confirmation will be granted in order of registration, giving priority at all times to the people associated to the BHC.
