NanoGUNE, the big challenge of the small, also in Spanish and English

The book “NanoGUNE, txikiaren xarma” dealing with the setting-up and development of the CIC nanoGUNE research center from its very beginnings was presented in January 2021. After its splendid one-year run, the book has now been translated into Spanish (NanoGUNE, el encanto de lo pequeño) and English (NanoGUNE, the charm of the small) and is available to the general public.

NanoGUNE txikiaren xarma

The book sets out to explain to the general public how cutting-edge research is conducted in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology. How does “the big challenge of the small” materialize on a day-to-day basis? How can a truly innovative, daring project come to fruition? The story, written in a lively style by the journalist Elixabete Garmendia, answers this question which can now be read in Basque, Spanish and English.

NanoGUNE has succeeded in making a place for itself in the network of international science. The book includes the testimonies of the researchers, technicians and other professionals who have been participants or players throughout this process, each one from their own activities and experiences, so a story full of nuances is woven, and at the same time a portrait is produced of the current solid reality that nanoGUNE has become.

It is a popularization book that brings the distant, incomprehensible world of science closer to the general public. Those interested can purchase the book in Basque, Spanish and English at the following link: