nanoGUNE joins Pint of Science Donostia 2024

The international scientific dissemination festival will take place from 13 to 15 May in 25 different countries all over the world, where city-bars become improvised laboratories to showcase the latest scientific advances. Three researchers from CIC nanoGUNE, Javier PlouJon Ortuzar Andres and Stefano Trivini, will be part of the festival this year, in which nanoGUNE is also involved as local sponsor.

pint of science eng

In Donostia/San Sebastian, Pint of Science will be held in the bars Alboka, Amuitz, Errotatxo, Mala Gissona and Manuel (Errenteria), with a total of 30 talks, and will cover the topics of nanotechnology, 3D printing, physics, neuroscience and language, and nature and sustainability. The talks will be in Basque and Spanish. In addition, some of the talks will have simultaneous translation into sign language. The complete program can be consulted on this website.

From CIC nanoGUNE, Javier Plou, Jon Ortuzar Andres y Stefano Trivini will be part of the festival in different talks. Javier Plou and Pablo Valera Sapena (CIC biomaGUNE) will conduct their talk "Luces, cámara y... SERS??" on May 13 at the bar Malagissona in 53 Zabaleta Street at 7:00 p.m. Furthermore, Stefano Trivini and Jon Ortuzar Andres will take part with the talk "Dos electrones son mejor que uno" on May 14 at 7:00 p.m. at the pub Errotatxo, located in the Errotatxo Square nº1 in Donostia.

Pint of Science 2024 is a free event for all attendees and in Donostia it is possible thanks to the sponsorship of DIPC, Fomento San Sebastián, CFM, CIC biomaGUNE, Polymat, CIC nanoGUNE and Biogipuzkoa, and the collaboration of Aranzadi and BCBL.

¿What is Pint of Science?

This festival was born in May 2013 in the United Kingdom when researchers Michael Mostkin and Praveen Paul organized an event in their laboratories in order to show the research they were doing to people affected by different mental illnesses. They saw for themselves the great impact it had on those patients, and thought, “If people go to labs.... why not take science to the place where people are, the bars? Little did they know that a few years later, their idea would travel around the world, being held simultaneously in 2024 in the 5 continents, with 25 participating countries.

The ninth edition of the International Festival of Scientific Dissemination Pint of Science is the most ambitious Spain has organized so far, with 850 talks in 67 locations. For three days, the most cutting-edge researchers on the national scene will share the latest advances in science in Spain. With an understandable and close language, any citizen will be able to learn about projects in the most varied areas: neuroscience, astrophysics, medicine, history, supercomputing, mathematics, economics and zoology, among many others.