NanoGUNE opens the registration period for the summer internship program

CIC nanoGUNE has just launched the program for summer internships, which runs every year. University students are offered the chance to get involved in the activity of a world-class research center.

Summer Internships 2022

In the framework of this program, the Basque nanoscience research center will be receiving this summer at least ten new students in their 3rd and 4th years of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Engineering. For a period of two months, undergraduates will be collaborating with nanoGUNE researchers in their research projects in the areas of nanoscale optics, nanobioengineering, electronic phenomena and magnetism, and nanoscale materials.

To participate in this program, interested candidates should submit their applications online at The deadline is February 13th. Full information about the call is also available at