New edition of the CIC nanoGUNE Winter School

20 students are participating in the third edition of the Winter School run by CIC nanoGUNE. For three days, from Wednesday to Friday, February 2-4, 2022, a select group of students will have the opportunity to find out what the daily life in a research center such as nanoGUNE is like.

Winter School 2022

The Winter School 2022 is geared primarily towards undergraduate students of physics, chemistry, biology and engineering who are considering the possibility of continuing their education by doing a PhD thesis. The winter school includes a combination of academic lectures, cross-skills training sessions and laboratory practice in the center's various laboratories.

The 20 participating students were chosen from among nearly 100 applicants, and they are mostly from universities across Spain. The group will receive training in the most innovative aspects of nanoscience research. The idea of this experience is to introduce them to life in a real research laboratory, and help them make a decision about their future careers.

The students agree that the best thing about this winter school is the direct contact with nanoGUNE researchers and the chance to practice on equipment that they do not usually have access to during their university studies.