Summer’24 interns are here!

Twelve undergraduate students join nanoGUNE's Summer Internship Program.

summer interns

This year, students from multiple universities take part in our Summer Internship Program to get involved in the development of different research projects. This opportunity will allow them to improve their knowledge and skills on one of nanoGUNE’s strategic research lines: quantum nanoscience, nanomaterials and nanomedicine.

The official welcome has been held in nanoGUNE, where our director, Jose M. Pitarke, has made an introduction about the center and the internship program in which they will participate for the following two months. After the presentation, the students got to know each other and the research center personnel during an informal breakfast.

The twelve candidates study in different institutions, such as the University of the Basque Country, the University of Salamanca, Tecnun, the University of the Balearic Islands, the University of Lisbon or the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Among them, we have students coming from Physics, Biochemistry, Nanotechnology and Engineering degrees.