The nanoscience and nanotechnology festival due to be held this year in Bergara


For a third year CIC nanoGUNE is coordinating the organising in Gipuzkoa of the festival designed to bring nanoscience and nanotechnology closer to the general public: 10ALAMENOS9. This year, the agreement signed between nanoGUNE and Bergara Town Council means that the various activities will be taking place at the Museo Laboratorium in Bergara. A number of cities will be hosting the festival in March and April: Zaragoza, Madrid, Valencia, Barcelona and Bergara.

The10AlaMenos9 nanoscience and nanotechnology festival aims in a straightforward, fun way to bring all sectors of the public closer to the nanometric scale and its effects. In the various activities organised for this purpose (exhibition, workshops and lectures), visitors will be delving into the amazing nano world, in other words, the world of small things, of one billionth (10-9, 10 to the power of minus 9) of a metre, a size slightly bigger than atoms and molecules; the size of our DNA.

The full programme of the festival will be presented at 18:00 hours tomorrow, Friday, at the Museo Laboratorium. The following people will be participating in the ceremony: the Ikerbasque researcher Luis Hueso and communications officer Itziar Otegui on behalf of nanoGUNE; Sabino Azkarate, Chair of the Economic Development and Tourism Commission and Maite Agirre, Chair of the Culture and Heritage Commission on behalf of Bergara Town Council.

The participants will then have the chance to visit the exhibition Un paseo por el nanomundo (A Walk through the Nanoworld) guided by Luis Hueso.The exhibition will be presenting authors, tools and works relating to nanoscience and nanotechnology. The images have been captured by amazing tools that have been turned into the “eyes of the nanoworld”. The participants will also be able to see some of the tools used in this field and actual products used in research on a day-to-day basis, such as graphene.

View the full programme.