Latest News

  • New group to address gynecology and infertility healthcare challenges

    The Basque Nanoscience Cooperative Research Center CIC nanoGUNE has set up a new, pioneering research group in the field of advanced therapeutic and diagnostic technologies through the creation of miniaturized solutions, thus translating fundamental scientific discoveries into practical, clinical applications. The…

  • 2.6 billion-year-old ancestors of the CRISPR gene-editing tool are resurrected

    An international research group has for the first time reconstructed ancestors dating back 2.6 billion years of the well-known CRISPR-Cas system, and studied their evolution over time. The results suggest that the revitalized systems not only work, but are more versatile than current versions and could have…

  • CIC nanoGUNE expands its patent portfolio

    The granting of three patents plus an additional three new patent applications considerably enrich CIC nanoGUNE's industrial property portfolio. The center currently has 25 patent applications in the fields of health, optics, materials science and electronics, all at the nanoscale, of course. In addition, 17…

  • CIC nanoGUNE is awarded a project to investigate amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

    The Spanish Foundation for the Promotion of Research into Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (FUNDELA) has awarded CIC nanoGUNE, a project to conduct research into amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), in collaboration with the ALS laboratory of the 12 de Octubre Hospital - “i+12” and the Genetics Service of the Ramón y…

  • CIC nanoGUNE receives 1.5 million euros from the European Commission

    Three of CIC nanoGUNE’s research projects have been selected in the European FET Open (Future and Emerging Technologies) call. FET Open initiatives aim to strengthen major, high-risk, scientific and technical research projects carried out in collaboration. They are projects linked to the creation of new…

  • CIC nanoGUNE and CIKAUTXO join forces to optimize rubber

    CIC nanoGUNE, the Nanoscience Cooperative Research Center, and CIKATEK, the R&D&i unit of CIKAUTXO, are working together to obtain rubber with high added-value by applying nanotechnology.

  • Basque research and technology, committed to the health alert of the COVID-19

    The technology and cooperative research centers integrated in the Basque Research and Technology Alliance - BRTA alliance are involved in various scientific and technological initiatives with the aim of reducing the impact of the SARS-CoV-2 emergency.

  • nanoGUNE launches a new summer internship call for university students

    CIC nanoGUNE has just launched the call in its Summer Internship Programme, which it runs every year; it offers university students the chance to get to know first-hand about the activity of a world-class research centre.

  • The first loudspeaker with graphene-based technology is already on the market

    Researchers in the Nanobiomechanics group at CIC nanoGUNE and engineers at SEAS Fabrikker, leader in the premium-range audio loudspeaker sector, have conducted joint research in which they have succeeded in improving the loudspeaker cones, thanks to graphene. These premium-range loudspeakers with graphene-based…

  • The size of animals dating back 100-350 million years ago inferred from resurrected proteins

    The prestigious journal Nature Structural & Molecular Biology has published a piece of research conducted by CIC nanoGUNE researchers. They have experimentally reconstructed titin fragments from their common ancestors and measured their mechanochemical properties. They have discovered a correlation between the…

  • New step towards clean energy production from enzymes

    Oxygen inhibits hydrogenases, a group of enzymes that are able to produce and split hydrogen. This degradation is fatal for possible biotechnological applications of these enzymes for the production of clean energy. Understanding the mechanisms of this process is hence essential. An international team led by…

  • Raul Perez-Jimenez to receive the Enrique Pérez-Payá Prize

    The Enrique Pérez-Payá Prize of the Spanish Biophysical Society has been awarded to Raul Perez-Jimenez, leader of CIC nanoGUNE’s Nanobiomechanics Group, “for his studies of the mechanical properties of biological macromolecules”.

  • nanoGUNE Scholarship: call for Master Thesis students

    NanoGUNE offers 4 scholarships to students of the Master in Nanoscience and the Master in New Materials of the UPV/EHU choosing Master thesis subjects within one of nanoGUNE's research groups.

  • ACSnano: "Probing the Effect of Force on HIV-1 Receptor CD4"

    NanoGUNE’s Nanobiomechanics Group, led by Ikerbasque Professor Raul Perez-Jimenez, in collaboration with the Department of Biological Sciences of the Columbia University (US) and the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center (US), has tested that mechanical force may help HIV to invade cells. The research has been…

  • Fundación Repsol Entrepreneurs Fund supports EVOLGENE project

    The EVOLGENE project, directed by nanoGUNE’s researcher Raul Perez-Jimenez, has been selected as one of the four “Ideas” that will be supported by the Entrepreneurs Fund of Fundación Repsol. The paleoenzymology project aims at reconstructing ultra-efficient ancestral enzymes for use in industry.

  • Molecular toxicity of nanomaterials

    On Monday 17 June, nanoGUNE’s pre-doctoral researcher Simon Poly got his Doctor Degree at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) with a thesis entitled “molecular toxicity of nanomaterials”.

  • The forces brought to bear on proteins: towards a new biology

    NanoGune’s Nanobiomechanics Group led by Raúl Pérez-Jimenez is studying the evolution of proteins dating back to the origin of life, the effects that mechanical forces can have on them, and protein involvement in certain diseases


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