Double recognition to Niklas Friedrich at the XXXIX Physics Biennial

Niklas Friedrich, former member of the Quantum Probe Microscopy group at nanoGUNE, receives the RSEF-EPJ+ Award and the GEFES 2023 Award for his experimental PhD thesis entitled Electronic Transport through Suspended Graphene Nanoribbons Using a Scanning Tunneling Microscope.

Niklas Friedrich at the Physics Biennial in 2024

Every year, the RSEF's divisions grant researchers for best experimental PhD thesis in different matters. Last year, Niklas Friedrich obtained the GEFES 2023 Award by The Condensed Matter Physics Division (GEFES) of the RSEF for best experimental thesis in condensed matter physics. In addition, the RSEF chooses some of these awardees to obtain the RSEF-EPJ+ Award, which Niklas Friedrich has also achieved. During the last day of the XXXIX Biennial of the Royal Spanish Society of Physics (RSEF), held in San Sebastian from 15 to 19 July 2024, Friedrich has collected these awards recognizing his work as an experimental physicist.

This thesis studies electronic transport through graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) and demonstrates electronic access to spin states created by special units embedded in GNRs. The results of this work constitute a proof of concept of spintronic components at the molecular level and deepen the understanding of the underlying physical effects of electron transport through graphene nanoribbons, as well as those relating to the origin of the magnetism of graphene nanoribbons.

Niklas Friedrich

Niklas Friedrich studied physics at the RWTH Aachen University and the Jülich Research Center, both in Germany, and at the University of Santiago de Chile. After completing his master's degree in experimental condensed matter physics, he began his PhD thesis at nanoGUNE in order to further his skills in the use of the tunneling microscope.