A workshop on science and comics for teachers
The CIC nanoGUNE and DIPC research centres have organised a workshop on science and comics for teachers in Statutory Secondary and Sixth Form Education, within the framework of the nanoKOMIK project.
The nanoKOMIK project is seeking to transmit to the general public the potential of the advances that are taking place in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology and to stimulate the creativity of younger people. So it is involving youngsters of between 12 and 18 years of age in a free creative process in which they will be building their own superheroine or superhero in the comic and giving him/her nanopowers through the amazing properties that matter acquires on a nanometric scale. The most original ideas will be recreated in a professional comic book that will be published together with the award-winning works.
To enable the youngsters to have contact with the project through their classrooms, a specialised workshop on science and comics has been organised for teachers in Statutory Secondary and Sixth Form Education. Firstly, a researcher will be explaining to them some of the amazing properties that materials can have thanks to nanoscience. Then a cartoonist will show them how to draw and produce a comic. The idea is to give the teachers some guidelines so that they can experiment with the nanoKOMIK challenge in their classrooms.
Date: 16 March at 17:30.
Venue: CIC nanoGUNE, Donostia-San Sebastian.
Enrolment for the workshop is now open via the www.nanokomik.com website until 11 March.