Research Lines
The Nanomagnetism Group is conducting basic and applied world-class research in the field of magnetism in nanoscale structures.
The group staff has a long-standing expertise and proven track record in fundamental and applied aspects of nanomagnetism, magnetic materials, and magnetic characterization, especially magneto-optical methods.
Nanomagnetism Equipment
Experimental work in the nanomagnetism group is performed by means of equipment specially dedicated to our research lines. The group has also access to the nanoGUNE common cleanroom of nearly 300 m2 fully equipped for nanofabrication.
- Material growth and nanofabrication
- Non-magnetic characterization
- Magnetic characterization
Nanomagnetismoa news
Fisikako Nobel Sariaren eta Donostiaren arteko lotura
Pablo Piaggi CIC nanoGUNEko Teoría taldeko Ikerbasque Fellow ikertzailearen lan bat aurrerapen esanguratsu gisa aipatzen du aurtengo Fisikako Nobel Sariaren iragarkiak. 2024ko Fisikako Nobel Saria John Hopfield eta Geoffrey Hinton-ek jaso dute, adimen artifizialaren oinarriak…Read more