Felix Casanova

Felix Casanova
Group Coleader
Ikerbasque professor

2004 PhD in Physics. University of Barcelona
2005-2007 Fulbright Fellow. University of California San Diego (US)
2007-2009 Postdoctoral Researcher. University of California San Diego (US)
2009-present Ikerbasque Research Professor in CIC nanoGUNE

Research interests:
-Spin-dependent phenomena in metals, insulators and 2D materials
-Non-linear transport in low-symmetry systems
-Advanced nanofabrication

Short CV
Dr. Felix Casanova obtained his PhD in March 2004, in the Fundamental Physics department of the University of Barcelona under the supervision of Prof. X. Batlle. The research was devoted to the study of the magnetocaloric effect in intermetallic alloys.

He was a postdoctoral fellow, in the group of Prof. I. K. Schuller at the University of California, San Diego (USA) from 2005 to 2009, where he worked in a variety of projects in nanoscience, including capillary condensation in nanoporous materials and spin injection and transport in metals, and he acquired extensive experience in nanofabrication techniques.

Since July 2009, Dr. Casanova is an Ikerbasque Research Professor and co-leader of the Nanodevices Group at CIC nanoGUNE. His current research interests are focused on spin-dependent phenomena (including spin transport and spin-orbit effects) in metals, insulators, and novel two-dimensional materials, as well as non-linear transport phenomena in low-symmetry materials. He also supervises the research effort in advanced nanofabrication in the group.

He has published 161 articles, which have been cited 11500 times. The overall h-index of his publications is 60. He has been invited to some of the most important international conferences including the prestigious March Meeting of the American Physical Society, the Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, the INTERMAG Conference, the Gordon Research Conference, and the Graphene Week. He has given invited seminars at universities and research centers in Europe, United States, Japan and South America. He has supervised 11 PhD thesis (+7 ongoing) and 7 master theses. He has mentored 10 post-doctoral researchers (+4 ongoing). He is PI or participant in several European and national funded projects, including the coordination of a MSCA Innovative Training Network (SPEAR), and has a collaboration with Intel Corp., the world-leading microelectronics company. He has been project evaluator for funding bodies (Spain, France, Sweden, EU, Argentina, USA, Japan) and program committee member of several international conferences. He was an Editorial Board member of the Physical Review Applied, published by the American Physical Society, between 2016 and 2022. He has been distinguished two times with the Outstanding Researcher Award by Intel Corp., in 2020 and 2022.

Updated on September 30, 2024.