Luis Hueso Arroyo

Luis Hueso Arroyo
Group Leader
Ikerbasque professor

Luis E. Hueso took up his position as Ikerbasque Research Professor at CIC nanoGUNE (San Sebastian) in 2008. He is the leader and founder of the center's Nanodevices group, created in the same year. Since June 2017, he is also the scientific director of the Unit of Excellence Maria de Maeztu awarded to his institution, a position he will hold for a further four years starting in January 2022.  

The Nanodevices research group currently has 28 members and is highly prolific, having produced 160 publications in high-impact journals and made nearly 300 contributions to national and international conferences. Furthermore, in the last 10 years it has been awarded over 8 million Euros in competitive projects, including an ERC Starting Grant, an ERC Proof of Concept Grant, four MSCA Initial Training Networks and four EU-funded Collaborative projects, among others; it has also hosted six MSCA Individual Fellowships.  

Luis Hueso has authored more than 200 research papers and has an h-index of 55. His publications have accrued more than 11800 citations. 

Throughout his career, Luis Hueso has frequently been invited to deliver talks at the most important international conferences, both in the field of magnetism (JEMS, Intermag, MMM, IcAUMS and International Conference on Magnetism) and in the field of organic materials (European Conference in Molecular Electronics and International Conference on Synthetic Metals). Moreover, he has delivered invited seminars at numerous universities and research centres in many different countries.  

In addition to his research profile, Luis Hueso participates as Senior Researcher in an ongoing collaboration of the Nanodevices group with Intel Corporation, the world-leading microelectronics company, with a direct funding totalling ~1M$. He also holds a patent for the invention of devices and methods for determining the quality thin film materials and serves as scientific advisor to the company Graphenea S.A, a leading graphene manufacturer and supplier. 

Among his synergetic services for the research community, he has been member of the organizing committee of several international conferences, such as the March Meeting of the APS, the MRS Spring Meeting, the MRS Fall Meeting, the International Conference on Magnetism and the Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM). He has been research project evaluator for funding bodies in Spain, Poland, Argentina, UK, France, and for the European Commission.  

From 2018 to 2021, he was coordinator on the panel “Materials with Electronic, Optical, Magnetic or Thermal Functionalities” at the Spanish Research Agency. He is currently vice-president of the Spanish Magnetism Society and vice-president of the Nanoscience and Molecular Materials group of the Royal Spanish Chemical and Physical Societies. From 2010 until 2016 he was a member of the steering committee (and treasurer) of GEFES: Spanish Condensed Matter Physics Division, part of the Royal Spanish Physical Society. 

He is currently also Associate Editor for the Journal of Materials Chemistry C, published by the Royal Society of Chemistry and an Editorial Board Member of Applied Physics Letters, published by the American Institute of Physics. 

Concerning research supervision, Luis Hueso has mentored 14 postdoctoral researchers (plus another 8 currently in the group), 5 of whom received personal MSCA fellowships. He has also directed 11 PhD thesis (with 13 more under development in the group). After graduating, the supervised PhD students immediately secured and took up new positions as postdocs at universities or scientists in industry. 

Luis Hueso was awarded a fellowship of the Royal Society of Chemistry in 2016; he was Molecular Science Frontier Lecture Professor at the Institute of Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Science in 2015 and a Junior Research Fellow of  Wolfson College, Cambridge, from 2003 until 2006