Saioa Cobo, "Junior Member of the University Institute of France"

Saioa Cobo, guest researcher at CIC nanoGUNE center, has been named "Junior Member of the University Institute of France", a title given to researchers or professors whose research is internationally recognized.

Born in San Sebastian in 1980, she graduated in Chemistry from the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU). She completed her PhD and post-doc during her stay at the Paul Sabatier University at the "Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination" in Toulouse. Subsequently, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Dr. Vincent Artero and Prof. Marc Fontecave in CEA-Grenoble center and in 2011 she was hired in France at the Joseph Fourier University as assistant professor.

In September 2011, she arrived at nanoGUNE as a guest researcher and, during her stay she was able to develop new lines of research at the center. Currently, she is working with photo and thermo-switchable molecules. Her stay at nanoGUNE has allowed her to have direct access to several essential techniques for her research, as AFM and SQUID, among others.

The title will be granted in October 2018 with a duration of 5 years. The researcher will become part of the University Institute of France and will devote only to research for 5 years.