Pride in STEM. Looking inside to get outside

November 18th is the day selected to celebrate and highlight the work and barriers of LGBTQIA+ people in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). On this special date, we join the International Pride in STEM Day in order to give visibility to the diverse and welcoming community we work in.

Pride in STEM poster

Since 2019, "Pride in science / Harrotasuna Zientzian / Orgullo en Ciencia", has been celebrating this day with a unique event aimed at the general public (2019), at schools (2020) or to raise the profile of the collective's staff in science (2021).

This year, we want to dedicate the day to our own community, and so we are organizing an informal coffee-working session with the aim of getting to know, and build an LGTBIQA+ community in the STEM environment of Donostia / San Sebastián.

This event has been organized by the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), the CFM Materials Physics Center, and nanoGUNE, with the suport of Multiverse Computing.

A few seats are still available upon registration!