Waveguides: Bottom-Up Tailoring of Plasmonic Nanopeapods Making Use of the Periodical Topography of Carbon Nanocoil Templates

The journal Advanced Functional Materials (Wiley VCH) has highlighted the article published by Q. Yong et al. (Adv. Funct. Mater. 2012, 22, 5157; DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201201791) on the back cover of their current issue. The published work is the result of an international collaboration of nanoGUNE’s Nanomaterials research group, led by Dr. Mato Knez, with four well-reputed research institutions: the Institute of Coal Chemistry (China), the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research and the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (Germany), and the École Polytechnique de Montréal (Canada).

The work describes a multistep procedure including chemical vapor deposition (CVD), sputtering and atomic layer deposition (ALD) for the template-assisted synthesis of gold nanoparticle chains embedded in a helical dielectric. Experimental and numerical investigations indicate that the nanoparticles within the dielectric enclosure show strong surface plasmon resonance behavior. Upon illumination with a laser, the nanoparticle chains induce a guiding effect of the light, in dependence on the polarization and the wavelength of the light source.

Original publication:

Yong Qin, Ralf Vogelgesang, Moritz Eßlinger, Wilfried Sigle, Peter van Aken, Oussama Moutanabbir, Mato Knez. Waveguides: Bottom-Up Tailoring of Plasmonic Nanopeapods Making Use of the Periodical Topography of Carbon Nanocoil Templeates, Adv. Funct. Mater., 22, 5157-5165 (doi: 10.1002/adfm.201201791)



Mato Knez
Nanomaterials Group
CIC nanoGUNE Consolider
Tolosa Hiribidea 76 200018 Donostia – San Sebastian, Spain