CIC nanoGUNE joins the Packaging Cluster

As CIC nanoGUNE becomes involved in social awareness about finding alternatives to plastic, it has internally committed itself towards a technology that could offer fully biodegradable packaging. One strategic step in this direction is nanoGUNE’s recent membership of the Packaging Cluster.


This Cluster is an ideal tool for disseminating technology among current packaging manufacturers by making them a proposal that could replace the use of plastic in this sector. nanoGUNE has the capacity to generate fibrillar structures using natural proteins, such as milk casein. These woven compounds could perform the function of packaging films and are, in turn, natural, completely biodegradable compounds. Right now, nanoGUNE is seeking partners who believe in this project, which has a high social impact, and who are prepared to collaborate on developing it.

Set up by Catalan companies in 2012, the Packaging Cluster currently brings together 73 active members from among companies, knowledge centres and organisations working in the field of packaging and packing. The main aim of the Packaging Cluster is to further the competitive improvement of the companies that form it in order to generate more and better business for companies and organisations in the field of packaging and packing.


Ainara Garcia
TechTransfer Manager
+34 943 57 40 13