1st nanoGUNE PhD Workshop

1st nanoGUNE PhD Workshop
From to

The PhD students of CIC nanoGUNE, are organizing a scientific meeting aiming to give an educational perspective on the research done in nanoGUNE. In the 1st nanoGUNE PhD Workshop we attempt to provide fundamental scientific insights in nanoscience and its most immediate applications. Moreover we intend to build a constructive critical debate on the scientific world nowadays.

This one-day event will take place at CIC nanoGUNE on January the 29th. The attendance will be open to everybody and free of charge, although registration is required because the number of participants will be limited.

The workshop will consist on 3 sessions. We will open the event with an Academic session where PhD students will describe the fundamental aspects of the research lines currently being developed by the growing number of groups working at nanoGUNE. The second session, Startups and Spin-offs session will host several companies born at nanoGUNE and Centro de Física de Materiales (CFM). This session will cover the foundations, goals and perspectives of the invited companies. Finally, we will conclude with a Colloquium where we want to create an open discussion about science world and the relation between science and society nowadays.
