

8:45-9:00: Registration

9:00-9:30: Welcome event

9:30-10:45: Academic session (I)

In this session PhD students of CIC nanoGUNE will give a talk about the current research lines being developed in their groups. There will be ten talks of 15 minutes (including questions), one per research group. The aim of the talks is to explain the basis of the research of each group, in a fundamental and educational manner. We intend to provide the audience a broad and accessible perspective of our work in nanoGUNE. 

10:45-11:00: Coffee break

11:00-12:15: Academic session (II)

In this session PhD students of CIC nanoGUNE will give a talk about the current research lines being developed in their groups. There will be ten talks of 15 minutes (including questions), one per research group. The aim of the talks is to explain the basis of the research of each group, in a fundamental and educational manner. We intend to provide the audience a broad and accessible perspective of our work in nanoGUNE. 

15:00-16:30: Startups and Spin-offs session

This session will focused on the goals and challenges of several companies born at nanoGUNE (Graphenea, Simune, Ctech-nano, Evolgene and Prospero) and CFM (BihurCrystal)These companies will participate in 15 minutes talks that will address their origin and perspectives, as well as the outreach to their market. Our objective is to bring closer the entrepreneurial network of our surroundings.

16:30-17:00: Coffee break

17:00-18:30: Colloquium

Our closing session will intend to put into perspective science world nowadays and its relationship with society. A discussion among four invited speakers and the audience will be moderated. Our podium speakers, members of CIC nanoGUNE, will be J.M. Pitarke (Director of the center), A. Berger (Research Director), R. Calvo (Ikerbasque Research Fellow) and E. Artacho (Ikerbasque Research Professor). The scientific career, the publishing world and the impact of science on society, among other controversial topics, will be debated.

18:30: Closing words

 This one-day event will take place at CIC nanoGUNE on January the 29th. The attendance will be open to everybody and free of charge, although registration is required because the number of participants will be limited.
