10 years public program


Wednesday, 30 January


Jean-Marie LEHN, University of Strasburg

Nobel Laureate in Chemistry for the development of Supramolecular Chemistry, cornestone of nanotechnology.

Thanks to scientific development, it has been possible to discover how matter organizes itself to create thinking organisms. Chemistry provides the bridge between inanimate matter and the complex architectures constituted by living beings. In this talk, general considerations will be presented in relation to the construction of increasingly more complex molecules from atoms.

Conference in English with simultaneous translation. 


19.45 NANOTECHNOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS: Possible solutions for cancer, osteoporosis, and bone infection

María VALLET REGÍ, Complutense University of Madrid

Chair of Inorganic Chemistry recognized internationally for her contributions to Biotechnology and Medicine.

The coming together between nanotechnology and medicine has given rise to an interdisciplinary area known as nanomedicine. In this talk, a nanoagent will be presented which is potentially capable of providing solutions for bone diseases such as cancer, osteoporosis, or infection: the mesoporous silica nanoparticle. 

Conference in Spanish with simultaneous translation. 


On Friday 1 and Wednesday 6 February, we will organize two visits to our laboratories. 

  • 1 February, Friday, 18:00 [FULLY BOOKED]
  • 6 February, Wednesday, 19:00 [FULLY BOOKED]

Admission to the conferences and visits is free for the public while seats lasts. Registration is required. 

All the activities will take place at the headquarters of CIC nanoGUNE, in the following address: Tolosa hiribidea 76, 20018, Donostia. 
