5th Year Anniversary Workshop

On January 30, wwe would like to celebrate our 5th-year anniversary with the local scientific community with a scientific program that will consist of four invited lectures in the morning and a poster session in the early afternoon. In the poster session, some of our very best results will be shared with all the participants.

Attendance to the workshop is free but registration is required. The registration deadline is 27 January 2014.


30 January 2014
8:45 Opening
9:00 Niek van Hulst(ICFO, Barcelona)
Light: pushing the fast and the small
10:00 Víctor Muñoz(Centro Nacional de Biotecnología,CSIC, Madrid
Developing microsecond-resolution single-molecule fluorescence microscopy methods to investigate conformational motions in individual protein molecules
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 Kirsten von Bergmann(Institute of Applied Physics, University of Hamburg)
Writing and deleting single magnetic Skyrmions
12:30 José María de Teresa(CSIC,ICMA– Universidad de Zaragoza,INA)
Seven years of nanofabrication in Zaragoza using focused beams: summary of results
13:30 Poster Session and Lunch


You might also be interested in attendingProf. Félix Yndurain’s lecture entitled ‘Nanoscience and future energy technologies’. This conference, which will be opened to the general public, will take place in the early evening. You can find more information here.
