Ondorioak / Resultados


PLAYnano 2

Total results in % based on votes of 35 people




Rapid nanotechnology expansion, minimum regulation Promote rapid expansion of nanotechnologies, with the minimum of regulation, to ensure its benefits are realised as quickly as possible.


Proceed with nanoscience but regulate Allow scientific research in nanotechnologies to proceed, setting new regulations alongside the potential developments which emerge.


Regulated nanoscience with public dialogue As position 2. but opening public dialogue now on the directions of research and applications.


No nanoscience unless specifically and publicly agreed Allow only the research and applications whose specific goals have been through an ongoing, widespread national public debate and dialogue.


Overview of the new policies developed by players in this event.


Total results in % based on votes of 588 people




Rapid nanotechnology expansion, minimum regulation Promote rapid expansion of nanotechnologies, with the minimum of regulation, to ensure its benefits are realised as quickly as possible.


Proceed with nanoscience but regulate Allow scientific research in nanotechnologies to proceed, setting new regulations alongside the potential developments which emerge.


Regulated nanoscience with public dialogue As position 2. but opening public dialogue now on the directions of research and applications.


No nanoscience unless specifically and publicly agreed Allow only the research and applications whose specific goals have been through an ongoing, widespread national public debate and dialogue.

Overview of the new policies developed by players.



Antolatzaileak / Organizadores
