
  • QuESTech Training Sessions

    QuESTech - Quantum Electronics Science and Technology Training is a EU-H2020-ITN project devoted to provid a challenging, state-of-the-art training for young researchers in the general field of…
  • QuESTech Training Sessions

    QuESTech - Quantum Electronics Science and Technology Training is a EU-H2020-ITN project devoted to provid a challenging, state-of-the-art training for young researchers in the general field of…
  • Graphene Week 2018

    Graphene Week is a main event of the Future & Emerging Technologies ("FET") Flagship initiative of the European Commission, a new partnering model for long-term European collaborative research in…
  • Graphene Week 2018

    Graphene Week is a main event of the Future & Emerging Technologies ("FET") Flagship initiative of the European Commission, a new partnering model for long-term European collaborative research in…
  • Summer Interns Farewell

  • Summer Interns Welcome Event

  • 10alamenos9 [ 2018 ]

    NanoGUNE coordina, por tercer año, la organización en Gipuzkoa del Festival Nacional de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología 10ALAMENOS9. Este año se realizarán diferentes actividades en las que colaborará…
  • School visit

    A group of students from Oriarte BHI will be visiting nanoGUNE.
  • School visit

    A group of students from Toki Ona will be visiting nanoGUNE.
  • 10alamenos9 [ 2018 ]

    NanoGUNE coordina, por tercer año, la organización en Gipuzkoa del Festival Nacional de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología 10ALAMENOS9. Este año se realizarán diferentes actividades en las que colaborará…
