
  • M4 2013 Conference

    A group of researchers from the M4 (Multi Material micro and nano Manufacturing) Conference will be visiting nanoGUNE with Luis Hueso.
  • Passion for Knowledge - Quantum 13

    Passion for Knowledge – Quantum 13 is a fest to promote science as a key activity for the well-being of future generations, as well as highlight the thirst of knowledge as the driving force behind,…
  • Passion for Knowledge - Quantum 13

    Passion for Knowledge – Quantum 13 is a fest to promote science as a key activity for the well-being of future generations, as well as highlight the thirst of knowledge as the driving force behind,…
  • 2nd nanoIKER Workshop

    The 2nd nanoIKER Workshop is taking place at Tecnalia Headquarters in the Science & Technology Park of Bizkaia on June 10, 2013. This workshop is organized within the framework of the Etortek…
  • Conferencias NANO, 2013

    HITZALDI-SORTA UPV/EHUko LEIOAKO KANPUSEAN 2013ko Otsailaren 27tik Maiatzaren 15era Nanoteknologia: Txikiaren Erronka Handia izenburupeko zikloak nanozientzia eta nanoteknologien aukera zabalak eta…
  • High School Visit: STO. TOMAS

    A group of 70 students from STO. TOMAS will be visiting nanoGUNE. The group will be divided to visit the labs.
  • Michel A. Van Hove (Visit)

    Michel A. Van Hove Director and Chair Professor of the Institute of Computational and Theoretical Studies (ICTS) - Hong Kong Baptist University, will be visiting nanoGUNE around 17:00. + Info:http…
  • Imaginenano 2013 - BEC (Bilbao)

    Bilbao (Spain) hosted the 2nd edition of the largest European Event in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, ImagineNano, from the 23rd until the 26th of April 2013 at…
  • Imaginenano 2013 - BEC (Bilbao)

    Bilbao (Spain) hosted the 2nd edition of the largest European Event in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, ImagineNano, from the 23rd until the 26th of April 2013 at…
  • High School Visit: Ignazio Zuloaga Ikastetxea

    A group of aroun 19 students. 2nd bachiller, scientific
