The researcher Estitxu Villamor got a special mention in the CAF-Elhuyar awards

Estitxu Villamor, who has developed her PhD thesis in the Nanodevices group at CIC nanoGUNE, received the special mention certificate in the CAF-Elhuyar Awards. These awards are designed to promote, reward and recognize popularization, journalism and the integrating into society of subjects and research relating to science and technology in Basque. These awards are organized by the Elhuyar Foundation with the help of the Basque company CAF and the economic collaboration of the Department of Culture of the Government of the Basque Government.

Gorka Azkune, Ostaizka Aizpurua, Amaia Portugal and Estitxu Villamor, awarded in the CAF-Elhuyar Awards. Image by: Iñigo Ibañez -

Among the various categories and subcategories in the awards there is one of popularization articles based on PhD theses. In fact, Estitxu Villamor got the special mention for her article entitled "Karga-garraiorik gabeko elektronika berria" (New electronics without charge transport). The panel of judges felt that the following was worthy of mention: "The effort made by the author of the article to explain the subject in an easy-to-understand and attractive way, particularly bearing in mind that it is a highly technical subject".

Villamor defended her thesis entitled Injection, transport and manipulation of pure spin currents in metallic lateral spin valves in December 2014.